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info on AX2 Vapirius watches

Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:25 am

Has anyone had any experience with these watches? I have ordered a TS on preorder and am getting impatient about delivery. The way things are going it could be many months b4 I receive mine.

Re: info on AX2 Vapirius watches

Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:06 pm

Did you pre-order a 2100MHz?

The Varpeirius watches are the same as the TS's (except for the internal and external memory size, and the frequency that the CPU is clocked at (but if you install a custom ROM on it you can clock the same as the OMate))...

Re: info on AX2 Vapirius watches

Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:15 pm

I ordered a 514/4g 2100mhz TS on 10/1/14. I also have a BURG 16 which is not worth taking about. I have often thought about installing custom ROMs on my phones but am worried about of bricking same and then not being able to do recovery.
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